Best Sellers of 2016

Our collection of the most popular adventures in 2016.


    Psie zaprzęgi i zorza polarna

    Adventure, Aurora, Winter, Sled dog

    Hundspann är ett oförglömligt familjeäventyr för älskare av nordliga raser. Hundspann är ett familjeäventyr under vilket du kommer att uppleva fantastiska upplevelser som kommer att stanna kvar i ditt minne länge.

    from 800 kr

      Husky Safari in Swedish

      Adventure, Winter, Sled dog

      Dog sledding is an unforgettable outdoor adventure for lovers of northern breeds. Dog sledding is a family adventure during which you will experience fantastic experiences that will remain in your memory for a long time.

      from 1900 kr


        Adventure, Winter, Sled dog

        Dog sledding is an unforgettable family adventure for lovers of northern breeds. Dog sledding is a family adventure during which you will experience fantastic experiences that will remain in your memory for a long time.

        from 2000 kr